Questions about the app & pdf

I am unable to sign in to the app.

Because we want to protect your medical data securely, you need to go through a few steps before starting the questionnaire. Have you watched this video? It explains the registration process step by step. If you still encounter issues, please contact us through the contact page and mention that you are having trouble signing in. We will get in touch with you to assist.

The entry of my date of birth is not successful

To enter your date of birth, click on the year in the top left corner and select your birth year. Next, choose your birth month and then your birth day. Depending on your smartphone or tablet, it may happen that the device selects too quickly. No problem, just click on the top left again and continue with the entry.

How can I download my PDF with my results?

You can download your results as a PDF in the app. Results will not be sent via email. Go back to the app where you started the questionnaire. First, check if you have completed and submitted the questionnaire. If so, you will now see under your questionnaire: download antwoorden als PDF (see image). Click on this and choose how you want to download your PDF.

I cannot find my risk score and partial scores in my PDF

Your PDF displays áll your answers. You can recognize your scores by the traffic light symbols in your PFD. Scattered throughout the PDF, you will find your partial scores after each item. You can recognize them by the traffic light symbols. Scroll all the way down, and there you will find your risk score.

Will I be invited again to fill out the PSA-index after 3 and 6 months?

You will be invited to fill out the questionnaire again if you have received a red or orange risk score. After receiving your red or orange risk score, you were asked in the app to provide your name and email address so that we can invite you again. If you chose not to do this, we cannot send the invitation.

I received a red or orange risk score, but did not receive a new invitation.

Check your PDF (near the bottom) to see if you provided your name and email address in the questionnaire for this purpose.
If you did not, we cannot send you an invitation.
If you did provide this information and have not received an invitation after 13 or 25 weeks, please contact us via the contact page.