In recent years, the name of the questionnaire has evolved in parallel with its development. If the questionnaire mentioned in the articles is different, it refers to predecessors of the current PSA index questionnaire. The article in which the validation study of the PSA index is mentioned has been submitted to an international professional journal and is awaiting publication. Once it is published, the article will be posted on this page.
- The validity and reliability of the PSA index for the prevention of absenteeism caused by psychosocial complaints, Bedrijfsgeneeskundige Dagen 2023, JRM Blekemolen
- The prevention of mental health issues. Quintesse 2018-3, JRM Blekemolen
- The prevention of the consequences of psychosocial occupational stress. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde TBV jaargang 25, nr 5, mei 2017, JRM Blekemolen en T te Braake
- The Prevalence of Work-Related Stress Complaints among Healthcare Workers for the Disabled Participating in a Workers’ Health Surveillance Program. Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs 2016, 4:6. JRM Blekemolen, CTJ Hulshof, JK Sluiter.
- We shall continue. Arbo 4|2011, JRM Blekemolen